Friday, December 26, 2008
Come and Gone
I was extremely spoiled with new pots and pans, new shirts, new books, and a beautiful diamond necklace. Ammon was spoiled with tools. He got a new level and some saw blades. His big present was a nice big jigsaw.
The best part of Christmas has been the opportunity that we have had to spend time with Ammon's family. I miss my family dearly and wish I were with them, but it is always wonderful to spend time with the Dahls.
Ammon is officially graduated now and so we are super excited to have some time off school in front of us. We probably won't be off school for too long, but until Ammon goes back for his MBA we are happy to be done. Congratulations to Ammon. He made it through school and now we are going to enter a new stage in our life together. Hooray!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Christmas Card
Monday, December 8, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Kick in the Pants
Monday, December 1, 2008
Happy Birthday
We got home last night from her parents house in Idaho. It was a long day in the car with the two of us and our two dogs, but it was wonderful to spend the time with Melanee. It was wonderful to be with Melanee pretty much all day for five days while we were driving and with her family. I miss her. I know I saw her a few hours ago and I will see her in a few more, but I miss her and want to spend all day with her again.
I think true love means wanting the one you love to be able to laugh at the things you do. Whether it be a funny Youtube video or something from the Daily Universe Police Beat, we love to share things that are funny with each other. I am glad I have someone to laugh at me and with me. Melanee is good to me. I love her more than anything and hope she has a wonderful birthday.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
From Our Neighbor To You
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Doggy Number Two
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Better Than Yours
I realize that in this world not just one type of person is right for everyone. But I am amazed at just how perfect my husband's type is for me. I still sit in awe at the fact that we made it through our awkward high school days, his 2 year mission, and all the drama I put us through. But here we are. Happy to have one another.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Christmas Blues
In my family it is a tradition to put up the Christmas tree on December 1st (my birthday). Up until that day we really don't listen to Christmas music or break out any decorations for Christmas. We especially don't do any of that before Thanksgiving!
Fall is my favorite time of year. I love to see the leaves fall. I love the first and second and third snowfall of the year. I love the way it smells. I love baking. I love the feelings in the air. My family always looked forward to Halloween with great anticipation. It started off the holidays for us. Halloween was my dad's holiday. He would get so into it with us kids. It was a blast to have a chance to do some celebrating and have some fun with my dad.
Than came Thanksgiving. When we were young we would go up to my grandparents cabin in Oregon. We would celebrate Thanksgiving and then have a mini Christmas party the next day. It was wonderful to spend four days singing AC/DC and choreographing dances to go along with the songs.
We would come home just in time to decorate for Christmas and celebrate my birthday. The entire Fall season is sacred to us. Every Holiday gets its due. Every month has a new theme.
Well, I broke one of the rules. I have been listening to Christmas music! This year I want to skip Thanksgiving altogether and get on with Christmas. I think part of my enthusiasm is due to the fact that Ammon will finally be done with school, and we will be able to really enjoy our graduation. But I simply can't wait for December this year!
Is that wrong?
Monday, November 3, 2008
APH Conference, come and gone
Sunday, October 26, 2008
The Fans (a few of them)