Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Meeting Santa

There is a family in our neighborhood that has a train track that runs all over the block. They have these small trains that you can ride on. Each Halloween they put up a haunted train ride. We've gone twice and really enjoyed it. They also do a Christmas ride, but that one isn't open to the public, it's by invitation only. This year we were privileged to get a ride on the polar express.

Here we are getting ready to go. Poor Ammon and his long legs don't really fit all that well on the train.

The first half of the train ride takes you up to the North Pole where you get to meet Santa. It was both kids first experience meeting him. I wasn't sure how either would do. Well, Cormac actually met Santa when he was one. He wasn't too happy about the experience. But that was two year ago.

Azure was just curious. She was the first one of our kids to sit on Santa's lap.

Cormac needed a little bribe. Once he saw the candy cane though he decided to go a little closer.

When Santa asked what Cormac wanted for Christmas he said he wanted a train. My boy is rather fond of trains.

The last half of the train ride takes you through pictures and scenes from the Savior's life. It was a really special experience. We are so thankful to the good people who put on the train ride. We really enjoyed the experience.

1 comment:

Britta and Julia said...

Sounds like a nice neighborhood you guys live in. What a great experience for your kids!