Friday, April 27, 2012

Two Months Old

On the same day that Cormac hit 2.5 Azure hit 2 months. And as cliche as it is I really can't believe it. How can my little baby already be 2 months? When I'm pregnant time can't go fast enough. But once they get here I feel like it should slow down. The other day I asked her if she could just stop growing and stay my little baby forever. She just gave me one of her little half smiles. I guess that was the beginning of her thinking her mom is sort of ridiculous. Too bad.

At 2 months Azure:
~ is 12 lbs 2 oz (the 65th percentile).
~ 22 inches according to the nurse (but I'm really positive she's at least 23 inches, she didn't do a very good job measuring her, but that would put her in the 29th percentile for height according to the nurse).
~ loves to be held all the time.
~ sleeps from about 9:00 pm to 4:30 am, eats for 15 minutes, and then goes back to sleep until about 9:00 am (it's heaven).
~hates to have her nose wiped, her finger or toenails cut, or to be dressed or undressed.
~loves her bath.
~smiles a lot.
~likes pulling Mom's hair.
~sunburns fast and easy (learned that the hard way; mother of the year).
~must be held by Mom during dinner (she somehow always knows when we are sitting down to eat and must be in my arms during the meal or she screams).
~doesn't like Mom to leave. . . ever.
~is okay with tummy time for a little while.
~holds her head up like a pro (she actually started that at 1 month old).
~is the sweetest and most cuddly little bug ever.
~is extremely dramatic and delicate; she takes even little bumps very personally.
~stretches the same way mommy does.
~never. stops. moving. She is the squirmiest baby I've ever met.
~love to stick out her tongue and blow bubbles.

I love this little face. I think she's so very pretty. But I'm afraid my pretty girl is going to need to toughen up a bit. The other day Cormac threw a basketball that hit her in the head. I saw it coming and deflected it a bit so it didn't hit too hard. The world nearly ended for Azure though. Oh boy was she mad. I'm afraid that second children (especially with older brothers) don't have the luxury of being delicate for long. But I'll keep protecting her for a few more months. She doesn't need to toughen up just yet. But it is strange for me. Cormac has the highest tolerance for pain. We were eating at Costco a couple days ago. Cormac slid off the bench backward and smacked his head. HARD. I felt the floor shake. Everyone around looked over because they all felt it too. We were all very worried. Cormac cried for maybe 30 seconds and then moved on. He is a tough, tough kid.

I can't get enough of these smiles. Cormac didn't smile until he was a lot older. And then I had to work extremely hard to get a smile out of him. Even now he's very guarded in how he offers up his smiles (which is maybe good, he's got a gorgeous smile, combine that with those eyes and we'd already be fighting the ladies off:). But Azure loves to be talked to and will reward you with the most beautiful smiles. I love it. Her eyes are still deciding what color they are. They are still mostly grey with hints of green and blue. Her hair is all over the place. The back is a dark brown, but the top has both brown and a blonde going on, so I'm not sure where she'll land. Her eyelashes are starting to get really long, but are light. So beautiful. Just like my sweet girl. I'm so in love with these kids. It's good to be a mom.


Britta and Julia said...

What a doll! Love her smile too! They do grow too fast!

Thelma said...

She looks like Ammon when he was a baby. (Besides her girly pretty face.)

Olivia Cobian said...

I love this last picture of Azure. She's absolutely gorgeous!