Friday, April 27, 2012

Two and a half

I have to say that part of me can't believe we hit the 2.5 mark and part of me feels like we're already past that. Maybe it's because most of Cormac's little buddies are already 3 or very close to it. Either way, Cormac has reached another milestone in his life. He's growing up. Ever since we brought Azure home Cormac has been stepping into the big boy role more and more. He's not a baby anymore and he knows it.

This kid is so fun. He is very passionate. When he's happy he is all the way happy. When he's upset. . . well, you can imagine. He's been that way since he was a baby. He has a flare for the dramatic as well. Pretty sure he didn't get that from me. It must have been from Ammon. Cormac loves his Daddy. He still won't call me Mom or even say "mom" or "momma" or "mommy," but he knows his Daddy and even calls him that. I'm a little jealous that I just get grunts, but Daddy gets a name. Maybe someday.

Let me tell you about Cormac at 2.5. He loves to be tickled. He loves to wrestle. He loves trains, cars, and trucks. He loves to ride just about anything: scooter, bikes, trikes, little four wheelers. He loves sitting in cars. He really enjoys just getting to play in the cab of our truck while Daddy's working on loading the back with various stuff to be hauled off (our yard is a big project). Cormac loves to jump and jump and jump. He'll jump around the house all the time. If he gets to play on a trampoline he's in heaven. He has a very nice unibrow and is working on a mustache. I'm not joking. The kid has mustache hair. I guess he must be a Dahl.

He's still sleeping in a crib. But that is going to end this weekend. He's only still in it because Mom hasn't been ready to try a big boy bed. And to be honest he really adores his crib. He sleeps from about 8:00 pm to 7:30 or 8:00 am each night. He still takes a nap most days for anywhere from 1 hour to 2 hours. His language is starting to get better. He can speak a little English now, but we have a long way to go. He still mostly just points and grunts. But he does say "go away" (that's my fault), "let go," "side" (outside), "mon" (come on), and "bye" really well. He says more than that, but these are his favorites. These and "no" and "okay." Oh and "bebe" (for baby). Anyway, the point is he's starting to talk more finally.

Cormac is really shy in public. He shares really well with adults (not as well with kids, but not too bad). He's got 2 good friends, Todd and Ethan, that he likes to play with whenever he can. He's fascinated by older kids and loves to follow them around. And he still has a little snuggle bug streak that comes out on rare occasions. I love those rare occasions.

One last funny story for you and then I'll stop. The other day I bought him some new clothes (this kid doesn't stop growing, he's so tall). We were getting him dressed in his new duds and I told him he looked so handsome and to look in the mirror at his new clothes. He walked over to his full length mirror, checked himself out, and then kissed himself in the mirror before running off to play. I guess when you look that good it can't be helped.

Sure love this boy. I'm so glad he's mine.


Britta and Julia said...

He's so cute! Glad he is talking more, hope his next word is mama.
He reminds me of my Elsa. She didn't talk, except for a few words, until she was a little over 3.
Now, she talks, talks, talks. When she's at home, but her's is another story. My point is that he WILL talk! He's such a cute kid!

Olivia Cobian said...

What a great kid! It's amazing how much a little one grows up when he gets a younger sibling. We'll see how that goes with our Ammon here in the near future.