As summer usually goes, Ammon and I have had a lot of opportunity to hang out with family lately. It has been wonderful to have family BBQ's with hot dogs, hamburgers, and potato salad. And let me just tell you, the Dahl family can make a mean potato salad. As Ammon would say, there is nothing more patriotic.
As we have spent time with family, we have been able to enjoy our nieces and nephews. We have so many, and they are all growing up too fast. But the best part about these kids, is to hear what they have to say and see what they do.
My dear sister-in-law, Jennifer, just had her new baby. When I asked her oldest son, Isaiah, what his new baby sister's name was he informed me that it was "Rainbow Sprinkles...I mean Savannah." Little Luke (Jennifer and Enoch's middle child) is not so sure how he feels about the new baby. Yesterday I was out playing with the boys, hoping to give Jennifer a little break and some much needed sleep. Isaiah and I had gone upstairs to watch a movie while Luke was asleep. He woke up though and wanted his mom to read him a book, instead of hold the new baby. When Jennifer asked if he wanted her to put the baby down he was quick to affirm that was what he wanted.

This is a picture of Luke playing captain at the park. That hat is simply adorable on him, but it makes it hard to get a decent picture of his face. I am kicking myself for not getting a picture of the boys in the wagon together.

While at the park I taught Isaiah how to ride down the fireman's pole. Sorry Jennifer. I hope that wasn't a mistake. On a side note, after we had gotten home from the park, Isaiah colored some wonderful pictures for me to see. He wrote his name on one and informed me that from now on his name would be spelled "Isaih," no extra a needed.

Luke's favorite part of the day was either quizzing me on my letters (he is very smart and very good at his letters) or getting wet in the kiddie pool. Well, he likes to splash and he likes to spray his brother (and me) with the hose. While at the park his favorite part was walking on the little concrete barrier that surrounds the play area. This is a picture of him concentrating on not falling. (I just want to make a note that I had written cement barrier and while Ammon was proof reading this for me he changed it, it is true, he is a concrete snob.)

Isaiah is a little monkey. We went back and forth on the monkey bars (with me holding his legs) and he climbed up and down every slide and anything else that was climbable.
The week that Savannah was born and Jennifer was in the hospital, I was able to go spend time with her boys again. Grandma had just bought a kiddie pool for the boys and Isaiah was soaked from head to toe. If you know this boy, you know that he has no meat on his bones. He is all skin and all bones. The poor kid was freezing! It was a really hot day, so I had him come sit by me on the concrete to warm up. He didn't last there for long, he was up and in the pool again. Then he'd come back shivering. He sat down next to me on one of these occasions and said that he was going to start sitting by me every time he got cold. I replied that I thought that was smart. He turned and looked at me very seriously and said, "Is that a plan?" "Yes, that's a plan."
While climbing through this series of tunnels, Isaiah informed me that it was a changing machine like the Sneetches had. He kept going through and saying he was changed. I asked where his star on thars was. The next time through Isaiah came out with a little foam letter that he found proudly held up to his chest. The next time through he managed to get a shoe stuck to his head. He was proud of that one, telling me that he now had a "shoe on thars."
Lest you think that the only niece and nephews that I have are these three kids, I should tell you about a recent adventure that we had with the Johnson crew.

The one in green is Clarissa who is sitting next to Deseret (Desi) with Carolina in the middle. Hyrum is the happy child on the right, and Liberty is the sweet girl on the left. Just for the record, this was their Christmas picture this past year, this was not taken on the Fourth of July, which is when this story took place. Early on the 4th Ammon and I decided to join the Johnsons for a hike up to Grey's Lake. Ammon's parents and several of his siblings, live in a place called Starr Valley out in Nevada. It is one of the prettiest places you'll see. They live right at the base of the Ruby Mountains. Grey's Lake was up these mountains. We set out in the morning for the lake, all of us. Robert (these lovely children's father) was carrying Carolina while the rest trooped up the mountain side. Our one mile hike quickly turned into four, and it was all very uphill. Hyrum happened to be the youngest walking and seemed to be having trouble. So, we decided that we needed a trail blazer and had Hyrum lead the way up the mountain. He talked the entire way up the hill telling Ammon all about his various weapons and such.
I think the most impressive on this trip was little Liberty. She is such a tiny girl, but she can go go go. I think she'll be a runner. Poor Clarissa and Desi had to take turns carrying one of the heavy packs up the hill. They were great with it. And just when the hike would get to its steepest the girls would break into song, keeping us all moving and happy.
Mark (Ammon's father) often says that he used to think it would be good if small children could talk, because then they could tell you what they need. After Carolina started talking (way before her time) Mark says he's not so sure that was good anymore. Carolina has more personality in her pinky finger than most of us has in their entire body. And boy can she talk. For some reason, she has decided that she likes Ammon and me. She'll come running at us full speed and throw herself in your lap while showing her teeth. Then she gets up and runs off. She was a good sport through the entire trip. But poor Robert was sore the next day.
When we got to the lake the boys went fishing and the girls went to go swimming. Now, I have swam in some cold water before, but this just took your breath away. There was still snow all around the lake and the water had obviously not been liquid long. When I stepped in the water, my legs instantly started to ache and it took my breath away. Going all the way under was so painful, and I sprinted out of there as fast as I could. It did feel good afterwards. I was impressed to note that Marianne, Clarissa, Desi, and Libby all went all the way under. I didn't think those girls had it in them. Boy was I surprised. What a bunch of troopers. They are some tough kids.
We all slept well that night after a big BBQ.
All of my nieces and nephews are brilliant and fun. These are the ones I have been able to spend the most time with lately, but I love all the time I get to spend with each of them. The Davis children are about as energetic as they come. And boy do they have a lot of confidence. I have never met children as out going as they are. The Davis family lives up in Seattle, so we don't see them often. The first Christmas after Ammon and I were married we went up for a few days to see them. This was the first time I got to spend any time with the Davis children. Mark, who is the youngest, is affectionately called a red headed ball of caffeine by his older brother. It's a very apt description. I sat next to Mark in Thelma's van as we drove around to all the sites. This was a few years ago and Mark was still in that stage where he talks, but only Mom can understand him. He would talk to me non-stop. I would pick out my name on occasion, but generally had no clue what he was saying. He would talk at a million miles an hour and then start cracking up at himself. I still have no idea what was so funny. But it was so funny. In a recent blog written by Thelma, she told of the swim meet that Braeden (the oldest) and Emma (the middle child) participated in. Apparently Braeden's shorts were a little too big. But he laughed it off. Emma had goggle trouble, yet had a wonderful time. If you want more info on them, you'll have to check out Thelma's blog. But they are great kids. Braeden is nearly as tall as I am now! I don't know Emma as well, she is still a bit shy around me, but she sure isn't shy around others. What a funny girl. I love to hear stories about them. We need to get up there more often.
And let's not forget the Cobian children. Lilly has finally started warming up to me. She is a real character. I was sitting on the stairs when she and Carolina attacked me and drug me off to jail. Then Carolina was the dragon that guarded me and Lilly was the prince that saved me. She is such a dear. Last time we were out there she was so proud to show me her new headband (which was lovely). I just adore Lilly and her facial expressions. Little Reuben is a crack up. He is currently convinced that he is Buzz Lightyear. He will push the button on his chest and his arms shoot out to the sides as wings. When I asked him how he was doing he melted me with the laser on his arm.
There is another Dahl to add to all this. Little Olivia is such a dear baby. I have never seen a baby smile as much as she does. I love to get her laughing (which is so easy to do) and I love that she will come to me. She makes my day brighter every time I see her.
Well, this got long, fast, but I would like you all to know that I have the best nieces and nephews. I'm excited for the ones yet to join our family and love being an aunt. One of the sweetest things that ever happened to me was hearing all these kids call me Aunt Melanee after I joined the family. What a joy!