Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Cormac turned 2 last month

Our boy is getting older. He's such a funny kid. He makes me laugh every single day. I'm so glad he's here. His birthday was pretty low key this year. Cormac has a horrible time sharing his toys. I had thought about a party, but realized that he would just be upset and in trouble the whole time since there would be kids there playing with his toys. Rather than have my son in time out for his entire birthday party we decided to skip the traditional party. Instead Cormac and I met a few friends and their mom's at the park to play and eat cupcakes:

Cormac really loved the cake part but didn't like the frosting on top. All the other kids ate the frosting and left the rest of their cupcake. Such a strange boy. He loves his chocolate.

That night I made homemade macaroni and cheese because Cormac loves mac and cheese. He wouldn't eat any of it. I guess he only likes it from a box. Then we broke out more cupcakes and put a couple candles in one. When Ammon and I started singing Happy Birthday Cormac fell apart. He just started bawling until we stopped singing. I wish I would have gotten it recorded. It was so funny. Poor boy. He just wanted his cupcake.

For his birthday Cormac got an awesome tricycle. The kid is in Heaven every time he gets a chance to ride on it. It's an outside toy, but luckily it has been a pretty nice Fall and we've had a lot of chances to go outside for him to ride.

Things about Cormac that I want to remember at age 2:
~Still not speaking hardly any English. But sure is speaking. He'll talk your ear off; you just can't understand him.
~Cormac loves trains. He loves making the train noise. He says "chupta, chupta, chupta, choo, choo." Half the time he makes the "choo, choo" noise in the back of his throat.
~He is still a picky eater. I can always tell when he's going through a growth spurt because he'll actually eat, but for the most part he eats very few foods which drives me crazy.
~ He can do summersaults.
~ Cormac is learning to jump. He gets his upper body really into it, but his feet barely leave the ground.
~ He is in the 95th percentile for height at 37.5 inches, 50th for weight at 28 lbs.
~ Cormac loves to have his teeth brushed and flossed. So much so that if we forget one of them he gets extremely offended.
~ This boy has mastered fit throwing. He gets over it faster than he used to, but he can sure throw a good fit when he feels his life is not in harmony with how he wants it.
~ Cormac loves to play with cars.
~ He's very curious and likes to figure things out.
~ He listens well and throws things away when asked, picks up his toys when asked, and even lays down in the right spot when you tell him it's time to change his diaper.
~ This boy loves to be tickled. A lot. And any time he can climb on Daddy he's happy.
~Speaking of his daddy, Cormac loves to follow Ammon around and "help" with all his projects and imitate all his actions.
~He's very affectionate. He gives hugs and kisses when asked. And he'll just spontaneously run up and hug your leg when he feels like it. He also likes to give kisses to the random kitchen appliances and various doors around the house.

And we are so glad he's here. I think he's going to be an awesome big brother once he gets used to the idea. He loves to be helpful. He is sure a sweet boy. I'm so glad he's mine.


Thelma said...

Mark got the exact same tricycle when he was a wee one. He had a tremendous crash on our downhill sloping driveway so didn't ride it much after that...he was scared. I love it though. It's still hanging up in our garage.

Happy Belated Birthday Cormac!

Britta and Julia said...

What a sweet boy! He sounds like my Dallin when he was that young with the no talking english and picky eating. Dallin is now 12 and talking "english" all the time, even talking back(pre-teens). He is still picky, but tries new foods more often. Anyway, glad his birthday went well. Oh, and maybe since he only eats the cake part, you can slip zuccini or something into it. Having picky eaters myself I found little tricks like that worked.;D