Friday, May 28, 2010

Seven Months Old

This post is a week late. Sorry. Our little Cormac is growing up so fast. He is so much fun! We just adore this little man. Every day is a new adventure. He is a little sponge soaking up as much as he can. I think he is learning very fast and is such a smart boy. He takes after his dad that way. At seven months Cormac:

~likes to use his head as a battering ram. He bangs his head on everything and then usually laughs afterward. I think he enjoys finding out how things react against his head.
~is finally growing back his hair!
~weighs in at 19 lbs 3 oz and is 28.5 inches tall.
~loves bath time. But is not such a fan of getting dressed and undressed.
~doesn't cuddle as much as he used to.
~is always moving.
~sleeps with his feet up in the air against the side of his crib.
~loves his blocks. He loves knocking down towers that you build for him.
~loves prunes. He is also okay with peas as long as they are mixed in his cereal. He likes sweet potato from a can, not if it's homemade. To be honest, the kid just really doesn't seem to like food that much. Which is so strange to me.
~wants to crawl so so bad. He is close and he tries all the time. He just hasn't figured out how to move all the parts at the same time yet.
~loves to pull hair.
~is teething. Keep a careful watch on your fingers or he'll have them in his mouth and he can bite hard, even without teeth.
~has a death grip. If he wants it he can hold on.
~is fascinated by lights.
~loves Sandy and Charlie.
~loves his daddy and his mommy.
~is not a great napper.
~is still not sleeping through the night.
~loves to hit. Not in a mean way, he just is fascinated by the feel and sound of his hand on any and all surfaces,
~  , k bu b n .yt (this is Cormac's contribution).
~loves to smile and laugh.

And we love to smile and laugh with him. He is so much fun! I can't believe he is growing up on me so fast. But I'm so glad he's here. I can't imagine my life with out him.


Thelma said...

Wow! He is looking so grown up. Still as adorable though.

Britta and Julia said...

Wasn't he just born. He IS growing up too fast, but I guess that what kids do. He's so cute, and I can't believe how much he looks like Ammon. I'm glad you guys are enjoying him. You deserve it!