Friday, August 3, 2012

5 Months Old

Look who's 5 months old. She's getting so big so fast. And check out her new trick:

She still needs some support, but she's able to sit by herself for a little while which she loves. She just wants to be involved in everything.

At 5 months old Azure:

~ is very against solid food still.
~ has started sleeping in her super awesome room that is my favorite room in the house.
~ is very happy. She smiles all the time.
~ is completely enamored with her brother.
~ rolls onto her belly and scoots around some.
~ has gained a pound and is now 15 lbs 3 oz, but didn't gain any height this time. Still 25.5 inches. She's on the gain a pound then an inch every other month program.
~ loves her daddy and mommy too.
~ likes to be held.
~ Never. Stops. Moving. Ever.
~ is extremely sweet and very kissable.
~ enjoys bath-time.
~ doesn't care much for getting her clothes changed, but tolerates it better than she used to.
~ is extremely alert and observant. She's always watching everything going on around her.
~ and is wonderful in every way. We love our girl!

1 comment:

Britta and Julia said...

She is a very adorable little girl!