Sunday, August 12, 2012


The other day I went to check on Azure. She had been really upset when I'd put her down for her nap. I just wanted to make sure she was still breathing. I'm paranoid. This is what I found when I peeked in her room:

Her little legs were all the way out of her crib. She was sound asleep on her stomach. Poor baby. So very tired. Naturally I took off for the camera as soon as I saw it. Funny girl.

She loves to watch everything we do. She is so very alert and observant. The other day I was talking on the phone on the couch. I had put her in the boppy pillow sitting up facing the other direction. She couldn't see me and that wasn't acceptable. So she laid back on the pillow and watched me upside down. Sucking on her bottom lip the whole time. She makes me smile. A lot.

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