I can't sleep. Instead, I'll blog. Today is Sunday. At 5:00 this evening Ammon and I will walk into the hospital in the hopes that when we walk out we will no longer be pregnant. I am nervous. But I'm also excited. We are as prepared as could possibly be. The house is clean.
Our suitcase is packed. We bought a new camera! It is amazing. We have been having a lot of fun with it. It will be so much better when we have a cute little guy to take pictures of.

I'm huge and ready to be done. My blood pressure is climbing. My pain is getting worse. And this baby is still growing. Basically my body just can't do this much longer. I will miss feeling him move. But I think that is about it. Now we just need to try to rest until it is time to go in. Ammon is sleeping. I envy him. I can't shut my brain off. After they check us in today they will set me up to get my body prepped. It will likely be a long night tonight. Hopefully not too uncomfortable. But not exactly pleasant. Then Monday morning, bright and early, I'll start pitocin. We will see if between the prepping and the pitocin we can't get my body into labor. If nothing has happened by noon on Monday we will go home to rest. Then Tuesday night we will go back to the hospital and this time a more invasive method will be used to prep me. Then Wednesday morning we will start all over again. Because of the size of our baby the doctor is determined to get him out one way or another this week. I just hope it happens on the first try. Remember when the doctors were concerned that I wasn't gaining enough weight? You were all right. Everyone told me not to worry, that the baby would catch up when he was ready. Well, we have a big boy on our hands now. And he seems to be very healthy as well. We did an ultrasound almost 2 weeks ago and our little man is doing everything he should be and is looking healthy. He scored a perfect 8 out of 8. He was measuring 7 pounds 10 ounces from what they could tell. But those tend to be less than accurate. Let's hope they were a bit over, since it's been 2 weeks!
My parents will be on their way shortly. All other family is standing by, waiting for phone calls. We have had good luck wishes pouring in from friends and family, which have been helping us to gear up. And today we finished up preparations.
I'll keep updating as things occur. When next you hear from me I hope to be able to call myself a mom.
All my love and good luck wishes to you. I'm one of those standing by ones!
I am so excited for you!!! Fingers crossed for MONDAY!
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