Friday, September 19, 2008

Help a girl out

Can any of you smart people tell me how to upload a video from a website onto my blog. I'm really clueless.


Thelma said...

Adam could probably answer your questions. You could call him. He's my number one tech support guy.

n said...

Mmmm I dont now, but i want say hello to my friend ammon or Elder Dahl, que haces loco gracias por visitar mi blog, las enseƱanzas de krishna siempre las voy a recordar jajajaja, que buen tiempo, una pregunta esa es tu moto, buenisimaaa. Bueno saludos y cuidate mucho, estas en los mejores recuerdos de mi mision.

Marshall said...

It depends on the website! Some have the thing where it says, "Add URL:" Then you just copy and paste it into a post!

Did that help?