Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Notice anything different about Cormac's room?

I'll give you a hint. This is Azure's room currently.

That's right. Someone has finally taken to the big boy bed.

Cormac has successfully slept two nights and taken two naps in his new bed. We are thrilled. He's slept the whole night through too. Funny story about this boy. He climbs in and out and all over this bed all day long. But as soon as Ammon or I place him in it, leave the room, and close the door (he will only sleep with his door closed tight) he will not get out of it until one of us comes in to retrieve him. I think it's hilarious, but I'm not complaining. It's not a bad set up. This way he actually naps and sleeps. We're excited that he has finally moved on. It only took him about an hour of crying about it Monday night when we put him in it. He didn't cry the whole time either, just intermittently. Funny boy.

He's sure growing up lately. He's speaking a lot more. English that is. We are excited to finally be able to communicate a little. He's a lot of fun. Love my boy.

Just when I thought I could use the bathroom alone . . .

He got into the butter (this is after he dumped my recipe box all over the floor which isn't pictured), and then was mad at me because he didn't want it on his hands, it bugged him. I didn't feel that sorry for him. I was the one who had to clean up the butter after all. Guess I should know better than to close the bathroom door.

Sleeping babies are the best

I love where Azure puts her hand whenever she sleeps in her swing.

You love it too don't you? So sweet.

My Creations

So this is a boring post in which I document the things I've been doing lately, just for myself really. I have gotten really in to crochet of late. Many of my creations have been given away, but I'd still like to remember the things I've done, so be prepared to be bored. Or just skip this post. Either way.

Baby blanket for the neighbors.

Close up.

Baby blanket for different neighbors (our whole street was all pregnant at the same time.  We've all had our babies but one. Just waiting for the last little one to arrive).

Close up - ish.

Close up.

Baby hat for yet another neighbor. I also made one for Azure because I love it.

Sun hat for that same baby.

Sun hat for Azure.

My adorable model. 

Who me?

Yes you.

She's so happy about it.

What's that? You've had enough pictures. Too bad, I've got more.

I would really like to sell these hats, and the blankets for that matter. But I sincerely doubt anyone would actually purchase them. Too bad. Maybe if Azure models them all? She makes everything look better.

Monday, June 4, 2012

3 Months Old

This post is a bit late. I've been busy and have fallen behind. But I still wanted to acknowledge that my little girl is growing up. She is now 3 months old.

At 3 months Azure:
~ never stops moving. She is currently working on sitting up and rolling over. She is so very close on rolling over. She can get all the way there except for her arm. She can't quite get that arm through yet.
~ weighs 13 lbs 4 oz and is 24 inches long.
~ is not sleeping through the night very well anymore. We're struggling with that.
~ hates riding in her car seat.
~ loves her mom.
~ smiles all the time.
~ started giggling a little bit recently.
~ is extremely alert. She is always looking at things. She needs to face out and see what's going on as much as possible.
~ really loves to watch Cormac play.
~ has the sweetest little voice when she decides to coo.
~ has won the heart of everyone in our ward.
~ is such a pretty little thing.
~ has super long eyelashes and is getting a lot of hair. It's just rather light so you can't really see it much yet.
~ turns red when she gets really upset.
~ has hazel eyes. They are still awfully grey as well as a little blue and green.
~ has a tiny head, tiny hands, and tiny feet. But she is nice and rolly polly everywhere else. I'm exceedingly proud of her rolls.
~ is a sweet little angel.

I sure love this girl an awful lot. Here are a few more pictures. She was not very happy when I was taking her 3 month pictures. Sorry baby girl.


She's a big hit at mutual (where this picture was taken). The girls adore her. Here she is with her best friend Amy Miner. Amy has a way with Azure. Azure loves her.


I bought myself a sunhat. I really love it. But not as much as my son. The other day Ammon came home to find Cormac wearing a shirt, a diaper, and  my sunhat. That's all. He's a funny little boy. And awfully cute.

Easter Dress

I know, I know. Easter was a while ago. But I finally remembered to take a picture of Azure in her Easter dress. I think she looks sweet.

I do realize that one picture would suffice. But I just can't get enough of my pretty girl. I'm smitten.

The New Bed

A few weeks ago we decided it was time to help Cormac move from the crib to a toddler bed. The thing is, this boy adores his crib. He loves to sleep there. So I thought that in order to make the transition easier he needed a bed that was exciting and would be fun to sleep in. And thanks to KSL I found the perfect thing. A fire truck bed.

He loves the new bed. Really loves it. Except he won't sleep in it. It's been several weeks now and we still can't get him to sleep in it. We've moved him from the crib to the new bed a few times. He's woken up screaming and very offended each time. He continues crying until placed safely back in his crib. What a funny boy. Any advice is welcome. Leave a comment:)