I am stealing an idea from my dear friend Heidi. Each month she takes a picture of her little boy with the same toy and a little sign saying how old he is. I loved this idea the first time I saw it and so I am plagiarizing it (sorry Heidi). Our little Cormac is growing at an incredible rate. In true Dahl fashion he is getting long legs. He is now 22.5 inches long. He's grown a whole inch and a half in just one month. I don't have a baby scale, but based on measuring him here at home I know that he is now over 10 lbs. He was 8 lbs 8.5 ounces when he was born. Here are some other fun things about our little month old (can it really have been that long ago).
~He loves to snuggle and be held.
~He does not like tummy time, even though he is so strong and can already lift his head and shoulders pretty well.
~He loves to swing in his swing and bounce in his bouncer.
~He is comforted by his hands, he loves to have them on his face or close to his chest.
~His favorite sleeping position is flat on his back with his arms high above his head followed closely by sleeping on his side.
~He hates to have his diaper changed or to have clothes put on or off.
~He still isn't sure about bath time.
~He is vocal! But he rarely cries (unless you put him in his bed at night). He loves to make sound effects. We call him squeakier, can you guess why?
~He's a mover. When he's on his tummy he scoots himself up and tries to roll over. If he is awake he is moving. If he is sleeping half the time he is moving.
~He is the cutest little thing.
We just love and adore this little guy. Our family was really needing this addition. I asked Ammon what he wanted to say about Cormac on our blog. He just said, "He's a good boy." Yup, that pretty much says it.