Wednesday, March 25, 2009


My mom had horrible morning sickness every time she was pregnant. I have heard of other women who have it as well. I always dreaded that part of pregnancy, but figured I would just sail through it like all the other women I knew seemed to do. I'm beginning to wonder if people do really sail through it. I'm not sailing, I'm sinking.

Tell me, what do you all do to combat the queasies? I am looking for fresh ideas. I know I need to be eating and drinking, but it is so difficult. 

In other news, we saw our baby yesterday. It's just a little peanut. We now know that we are almost 9 weeks pregnant. Still a ways to go in this first trimester, but not as long as we could have had. We saw the little heart beating away and heard it. It was all very exciting and made me feel just a little bit better about being sick. I know that most people wait until their second trimester to tell the news, but I've never been good at secrets. And it was no secret that we had been trying and failing. So, why not spread the news early. Anyway, so far everything is going well and we are very thankful that other than an upset stomach things are going smoothly. We just have to hang on a few more weeks and hopefully things will improve.

So, what do you do? Let me know. Any and all ideas are extremely welcome.


Teresa said...

I threw up every single day from 6 weeks until delivery when I was pregnant with Jaret, so I'm not sure I should be giving advice! But, here goes: 1) never get too hungry or too thirsty (in other words, eat lots of little meals throughout the day); 2) try a few saltine crackers while laying in bed before getting up in the morning (is saltine cracker breath better than morning breath???); 3) hang in there!

With Bryant and Kaysen I was only sick from 6-12 weeks. I learned that milk made me throw up. So see if there is something specific that is making you sick (besides the growing baby in your tummy and the jillion hormones raging in your body now).

We love you tons and are so excited for you!

Marshall said...

I don't know if there is much you can do. I always try and keep something on my stomach--even just a few saltines, and that helps. If you let yourself get too hungry it makes it worse.

My "morning sickness" was always worse at night. Just try and rest and not do too much!

Jennifer said...

Sprite, lemon water, skittles (!?), gingersnaps, crackers.... and lots of prayers.

Unknown said...

Um... I have no advice, but I am really excited for you! :)

Marshall said...

Peppermint helps some people as well. Those peppermint lifesavers are good . . .

Kyle, Carrie, Jenna, and Emily said...

Unfortunately...nothing helped me. Sea-Bands didn't work. Any and every food made me more sick. I threw up from week 5 through week 20. And now at 28.5 weeks...I'm sick again. BUT - the one (and only) advantage I found was that being so sick helped to reassure me that the baby was fine. I even got a little nervous on days I wasn't "as" sick. Some women have luck with Ginger Ale, white corn tortilla chips, and lemon-lime gatorade. I'm praying that your sickness doesn't last!!

Brittany said...

I'm so happy for you Mel! (hopefully your mom doesn't see how I love to use the nickname :). I think I'll be a "sicky" as Matt puts it when I'm pregnant...I get car sick constantly so that can't be good. I'll look to you for helpful hints!