Ammon had a little accident the other night. He passed out while standing and fell hitting his head a few different times on the way down (and it is a long way down). We really aren't sure why he passed out. All I know was that it was terrifying. Between the fall, the throwing up right afterwards, the slurring of words, and the dilated pupils I was worried. When my dad told me to hang up the phone and take Ammon to the emergency room right then I decided I'd better do it. I tried to talk Ammon into going. He didn't want to. So, I called the 24 hour nurse hotline that our insurance has. After going through all the details with her she told me I had better get him in to the emergency room.
It was really packed when we got there, but I guess head trauma is good for something, we got a bed and some help right away. While they were checking him in Ammon started saying things like "I'm at a level 8," so I knew he must finally be coming back to me. We had a lovely 2 hour visit in the ER. We planned Ammon's funeral. That was a comical and entertaining conversation. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but don't you think it is slightly inappropriate to have the widow speak? I thought it was, so we settled on having his brothers speak since Mothers shouldn't be expected to speak either.
It's really not pleasant to watch your husband fall and loose consciousness. It's not fun to be incapable of moving him while he is on the ground in a horrible position. It is not fun to have to rush him to the emergency room with a bowl just in case. But Ammon can make the worst situations somewhat fun. We laughed and giggled. When his humor came back I knew that he was my Ammon again, and I knew that we were safe. While Ammon was maybe not entirely safe and we are still monitoring him, I am safe. He looks out for me even when he's the one in bad shape. I've learned a lot about my husband the past few days. I think he knows me very well. All I need is to see a little of his wit and to laugh a little and then I can go on and be brave and support him through his ordeal. Really, it was a horrible night made less horrible by comedy. We are not out of the worst of it yet. His test are clean, but we do think he has a concussion and so he is resting up. Between his headache and his neck pain he hasn't been as lively as he generally is. But I am sure that nothing besides the muscles and skull are damaged, because if you hear him speak, you'll know that everything is still in tact as it should be.
I know I have posted links to these on my blog before, but this really is a good representation of what our 2 hours at the ER were like. Make sure you get emergency room part 2 right afterwards. Enjoy the comedy, we hope it makes something in your life less horrible and more bearable as you laugh. It is working for us.