Yesterday Ammon and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary. It is much more difficult to have a romantic evening than it used to be. Three month olds do not like seafood or Phantom of the Opera. I had been craving Red Lobster, so Ammon picked some up after work, and I set a fancy table for us to eat here at home. As I was getting the water pitcher out of the strainer the handle broke off and cut up 2 of my fingers. Only one of the cuts is bad, but they all bled a lot. Sad. Then we watched Phantom of the Opera. Back when we were engaged Ammon took me to see that movie right after it came out. It was a wonderful date, so I thought we would relive it last night. Cormac does not appreciate it, and he cried through most of it. All three of us collapsed into bed at about 10:00 last night from exhaustion. Whew. My parents had 2 kids during their 5 year anniversary. We may never get to that point (the 2 kids, not the 5 years).
As I was contemplating what to blog about I thought of a story that I feel demonstrates the kind of relationship Ammon and I have.

So, I think that this story demonstrates a lot about us. We rely on each other. We laugh a lot. We trust each other. Ammon has a very level head and steady hand (lucky for my mouth). I can't live without Ammon, he gets me out of all kinds of crazy situations. Ammon would never hurt me. I like to think I would never hurt him. I am a spaz most of the time. And Ammon is handy with all kind of tools. And, of course, we are still very in love.