I've been meaning to write this post for a while, but I just now got up my courage. Last week we sealed the deal on our house. It is no longer in our possession. This leaves us feeling a little homeless and out of place. We are hoping to use this to our advantage as we seek out a new home. I mean, come on...we are pregnant AND homeless.
But we could never have finished everything in time without some very key players. Ammon and I have been fortunate in our lives to have wonderful families who are willing to go the extra mile for those in need. The person who did more for us and got the least reward (where rewawrd should have been) was Ammon's brother Enoch. Not only did he list and sell our home for us, but he was there to help with all the paperwork and all the heavy lifting of moving out. He sacrificed so much of his time to ensure that we got the help we needed. Enoch had his own move to consider and plenty of things going on in his own life. Yet, he was willing to take time out for us. We really appreciate him. We really appreciate his wife, Jennifer, for being willing to sacrifice her husband for so many hours. We are truly in your family's debt. It is so wonderful to be surrounded by such good people who would do anything for you. Enoch and Jennifer are wonderful that way.

Tabor and Enoch
No moving party in the Dahl family is complete without all the brothers there (although Ammon seems to be getting out of a lot of them these days). Tabor was a hero. He came over and spent the entire afternoon moving things and making everyone laugh (so I've been told). He has a very precious little girl at home who loves to spend time with him. He also has a wonderful wife who happens to be expecting their next child. I'm sure he would have loved to spend his day with them rather than lifting boxes for us. But lift boxes he did. The generosity in the Dahl family never ceases to amaze me. They do favors for each other all the time. They go out of their way to make sure that everyone in the family (and beyond) gets the help they need. For the Dahl family sacrifice is just a way of life. Ammon's brothers have put our needs in front of their own many times. I just hope we can somehow repay the kindness. We didn't end up getting any other help with the move. If Tabor and Enoch hadn't come to our aid, poor Ammon would have had a tough day of it.
My Dad with my brothers new truck
Another key player to our success was my dad. He came all the way down to help us out with some repairs we needed help with. He was already on his way to Pocatello, but took the 3 hour detour so that he could help us out. Most of the repairs didn't take a lot of effort, just a little time. Between Ammon and my dad we were able to get those all done in a fraction of the time that it would have taken. My dad is great. Ammon gave him a list of things that needed to get done. While Ammon was signing papers or doing a million other things, my dad just quietly worked away in his corner getting all the things on his list done. It was such a help. We truly appreciate him. Moving is something that my family does a lot. So coming to help us move on one of my dad's very few weekends off was a pretty big deal, and greatly appreciated. He made the day so much easier.

And now all I have are pictures of my first little home. It was a wonderful little place. We adored our house, especially the finished product that we only enjoyed for a few weeks. It was a good place and a good learning experience. Now we are ready for the next adventure. But we know that when the next adventure comes and we are in need of help, help can always be found on either side of our family. We love our families so much and are thankful for them and all they do.
Enoch, Tabor, and Dad, we appreciate your help getting us moved out. We couldn't have done it with out your help.
And Enoch, we especially appreciate you and all that you did to help us get to this point in the first place. You are a good man and we are in your debt.
Now on to the next adventure! Hooray.