Sunday, June 2, 2013

Pre-K Graduation

Cormac graduated from Preschool. Except that he's 3 and has 2 more years, but either way we went to see him receive his certificate. Mostly we were there to see our boy perform.

He was a bit nervous and just sat and then stood looking like a deer in the headlights for a while. The first song they did was the chicken dance. Cormac didn't move. Ammon leaned over to me and said he would have done the same thing in that position and he'd never been so proud. Cracked me up.

Then they sang the "Itsy Bitsy Spider." A song that Cormac really loves and belts out at top volume at home. He didn't sing a word, but did do a few of the actions while covering his face.

He seemed to loosen up after that doing the actions to the various songs, but still not singing a word.

They each got a little hat and their certificate. Cormac wore his hat for a good chunk of the day.

I wanted a quick picture of Cormac with his teacher Miss Jennifer. This is what I got. Actually I think it's rather fitting.

After graduation there was a big carnival put on by the 6th graders for the little kids in the school. It was a lot of fun. Cormac got his hair and face painted as well as a very large amount of candy. He really enjoyed all the games.

And what is cuter than a little preschooler in a graduation hat? Nothing. But his sister ties it up nicely. Even showing off her "say cheese" face.

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