Thursday, August 18, 2011

Our Ranch Trip/Picture Overload

At the end of July our family was supposed to have a big family reunion up at my grandparent's home in Helmer, ID. But before that happened my mom had a catering accident and burned the living daylights out of her hands. I'll keep this next picture small, skip over it if you are squeamish. This is one of the less offensive ones for the record.

Anyway, her hands were bad. Cormac and I decided we ought to go up and help. This was right at the beginning of this pregnancy and I was rather sick. I didn't think I'd be much help, and I was right. But Cormac was a nice diversion for my mom. Plus Cormac got some quality time with his Grandpa and Uncle Nick. It was nice. Let's just say that the drive was less than awesome. Twelve hours in the car with a toddler and morning sickness is hard. But we did it. Unfortunately we didn't make it back for the reunion. But we really enjoyed the time we did have. And now, for the pictures.

Great Grandma spent time pulling Cormac around in the wagon. He was in heaven. 

These next pictures are Cormac making faces at Uncle Nick. I didn't get the best expressions. As soon as the camera came out he toned it down a lot. So sad. But I got a few. I'm sad this one is so blurry, but I love it so much I had to share it anyway. 

 While we were there we got to visit Troy Days. The parade was probably Cormac's favorite. That or the park. He got to gather up candy and see the sites. At one point he ran across the street for a piece of candy and stopped the parade. Oops. Luckily Papa was right behind to rescue him.

 Cormac gave a good portion of the candy he gathered up to these kids. I think they liked having him close.

 While we were there the men folk were putting down a new sidewalk for my grandparents. Cormac was excited to help out. Below you can see my cousin Jared in the background hard at work. Though probably not working as hard as Cormac:)

 And Uncle Nick also trying to keep up with Cormac.

 Papa taught Cormac how to drink out of the hose. Great Grandma let him indulge in it as long as he wanted. Cormac would take a drink and then he would insist that Great Grandma take a drink. We had some very wet diapers that day.

It was a good time. Not included in pictures: Cormac loved the horses and would say goodbye to them whenever he saw them. He also loved the 4-wheeler. Both Papa and Great Grandpa took him out and he loved that. His favorite game while we were there was "Go Fish" with Grammie. The best part was probably having so many different people around for him to get attention from. We also got to release a turtle into the pond. He really loved watching the turtle.

I enjoyed visiting with everyone, resting, and the cool weather. I got very little done for my mom, but she was sweet enough to just let me be pregnant and miserable. Next time we go up we'll hope everyone will be feeling better.

1 comment:

Britta and Julia said...

Sounds like you had fun despite the morning sickness. Glad you're past it now. (or are you?) If not I hope you feel better soon.
Cormac is a cutie!